Learn to Heal Yourself From Any Issue
Self Healers Academy
The Self Healers membership is designed to be a masterclass in self healing. Use the same principles of healing that Dr. Nicholas and countless others have used to heal from life threatening issues to seasonal colds.
There is no fluff in these lessons. This is perfect for any individual who wants to learn the fundamentals of healing for small issues or life threatening issues, and for practitioners who want to get better at their craft.

Get unlimited access to videos that teach proven strategies for healing yourself while also receiving regular, remote treatments

This program is designed to teach you all the necessary steps for healing yourself and creating a lifestyle of effortless health.
Dr. Nicholas has studied over 30 techniques for healing. In this program he teaches you the principles that are in any proven technique so that you can heal yourself. He even includes a monthly healing session with him in order to show you what is possible and what is necessary for your own specific healing.
Each month Dr. Nicholas will give you a remote healing session with notes and homework for you to work and progress. Anyone in the academy has access to schedule “tutoring sessions” in addition to the membership if they want more time one on one with Dr. Nick.
Every type of issue has been healed using these techniques.
Dr. Nicholas has used these strategies to heal himself from the following issues.
Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis
Ulcerative Colitis
Adrenal Fatigue
Food Sensitivities to Gluten, Nightshades, Coffee, Dairy, Grains, and more
Chronic Viral Infections
Separated Shoulder
Sprained Wrist
Chronic Low Back Pain
High Blood Sugar and other Blood markers
Unexplained Weight Gain
Patterns of Unwanted Behavior dealing with food, alcohol, money, and more
He will show you what he does to make the occasional aches or pains go away immediately and what he does to make the seasonal cold or flu go away within hours.
Sign Up For The Self Healers Academy Today

Dear Future Member,
I know you have probably tried a lot in order to get better. I know that your problems seem too significant and difficult. I know that life can be completely overwhelming at times. Let me make it simple for you. You CAN heal! It is your birthright. It is natural and innate for you. You started as two cells in your mother’s womb and look at you now! There are infinite and amazing powers and intelligence within you that sustains your every moment.
I used to categorize people’s problems in my head and say “this one is going to be easy” or “that one is going to be hard”, but these are just arbitrary opinions. The truth is that everything heals once you are in healing mode. Nothing is a “big” problem to the body. Your healing systems literally don’t know what difficult means. Get in touch with your REAL self.
Learn to have mastery over yourself and create what you want in life rather than be a victim of your circumstances. People rarely find good health by accident. Choose what you really want from this life. Learn to heal, progress, and grow in life right now to BE the person you know that you can be. Unlock your healing potential. It isn’t hard, it is what you are designed to do. Get out of your own way.
With all my love,
Dr. Nicholas Hyde