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Chiro is a luxury... it's not for me!

Many see Chiropractic as a luxury. If I have an MD that I see regularly and I don't have back pain, what's the point? Why spend the extra money?

Well, chiropractic, especially upper cervical care which Dr. Nick practices, focuses on brain balancing so your body is in tip top shape and functions the way it should. Anyone and everyone can benefit from that. Here are some stats and studies that might surprise you..


There was a study done in Illinois where doctors of chiropractic functioned as primary care physicians (it's technically in their license) in a health maintenance organization (HMO). The clinical and cost outcomes were shocking when compared to those of the medical doctors. The study which lasted four years and included almost 22,000 patient months came up with these stats for those under chiro care...

43% reduction in hospital admissions

58% reduction in days spent in the hospital

43% reduction in outpatient surgeries and procedures

51% reduction in pharmaceutical costs (This is a big one.. The U.S. alone is expected to spend up to $535 billion on pharmaceuticals by 2018).

Source: Journal of Manipulative and Physiologic Therapeutics, June 2004.


Not convinced yet? Here's another one...

A national study comparing two different groups of people- one receiving regular chiro care and the other having never seen a chiro before- showed these stats for those who see a chiro regularly...

41% less likely to be hospitalized

79% less likely to be put in a nursing home

34% less likely to have arthritis

Overall: able to be more active physically,

likely to rate their health as being good or excellent,

use less prescriptive drugs


I'm no Einstein, but if you do the math, chiro actually saves you money...

Now, who would've thunk it?

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